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Do young women prefer casual looks over dress looks?


Distinguished Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Originally Posted by Fuuma
To be honest the style you dress in has very little influence in your chance of getting laid (that's what the OP wants, right?) with college girls. Just do it well and be funny, interesting and a great drinking companion and everything should go well.


Everyone knows that...

if you're that weird dude that's wearing suits, it will affect your chances. being a social outcast doesn't make your love life any easier.


Franchouillard Modasse
Dec 20, 2004
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Originally Posted by anon
if you're that weird dude that's wearing suits, it will affect your chances. being a social outcast doesn't make your love life any easier.

Well you could be that weird dude wearing hollister, it really depends "how" you wear it. I look pretty rockerish in a suit and with a 5 day beard. The accent just finishes the kill.


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2007
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I think we need to determine what kind of college girls he is going after. Sorority Chicks? Goth Chicks? Hipster Chicks?


Stylish Dinosaur
Dubiously Honored
Apr 21, 2005
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Originally Posted by Fuuma
I have 2 pairs of Corthay with me and wore beat up adidas to go to Berluti (you should have seen the guy's face when he wanted to help me remove my shoes using the horn). Honestly I adapt to a very small degree. The thing is my style being a mix of casual and dressy it usually resonates at least to some degree with savvy urbanites or whatever you wanna call it so I sorta stacked the deck from the start. You could say who will connect with what I wear is pre-programmed so yeah. I don't give a damn about middle america college girls and you know what, I never see any anyway...

I'm suspecting perspectives on this thread are being infuenced greatly by personal tastes. You have a pretty urban, adaptable style that looks cool, and I'd guess it serves you pretty well. My tastes, on the other hand, run to old-man clothes, velvet collars and crazy stuff. Lately I've been fearing I'm turning into Alan Flusser -- I'm talking the full-on Derelicte. In no way could I be accused of dressing to conform, but I'm mindful that I don't go too far. As such, I'm probably more aware of the concern than most people would ever need be, and I'm probably being overly cautious in my posts on the topic.

Originally Posted by milosh
I don't disagree with you. I just think that if I am interested in clothes, I am better off by wearing what I like than to try to dress like most of the people around me to better blend in.

Well, I wasn't really suggesting that everyone ought to dress like the herd, just that we should bear in mind how our clothes will be perceived and what effect that might have on us. A guy who wears a dirty Star Trek costume every day isn't going to make friends easily. Neither is the guy who sports a frock coat and spats, nor the skinny freshman who insists on wearing a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase to Econ 101. All are forms of costume, and all send the same message: "I am not like you." Fine if that's what the guy wants, but he shouldn't be shocked if he ends up alone on Friday night.

Originally Posted by millionaire75
I think what needs to be taken into consideration here is what the OP is looking for in terms of advice. This forum seems to be populated generally by people who lean toward the non-comformist mentality. This isn't a bad thing at all but the OP is looking for advice on how to attract college girls. As I said before, college is a bastion of conformity (maybe even more so than high school). If his goal is to attract girls, I think he needs to dress like other college kids (casual). Of course, casual has a wide range, but as long as the clothes fit well, he should be fine. College kids all follow the herd mentality for the most part (I believe there was another thread in General Discussion about this). You could say you don't care what others think but the OP clearly IS concerned with what others think so my advice to him would be to dress casual.



Senior Member
Jan 14, 2007
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Originally Posted by DocHolliday
I'm suspecting perspectives on this thread are being infuenced greatly by personal tastes. You have a pretty urban, adaptable style that looks cool, and I'd guess it serves you pretty well. My tastes, on the other hand, run to old-man clothes, velvet collars and crazy stuff. Lately I've been fearing I'm turning into Alan Flusser -- I'm talking the full-on Derelicte. In no way could I be accused of dressing to conform, but I'm mindful that I don't go too far. As such, I'm probably more aware of the concern than most people would ever need be, and I'm probably being overly cautious in my posts on the topic.

Well, I wasn't really suggesting that everyone ought to dress like the herd, just that we should bear in mind how our clothes will be perceived and what effect that might have on us. A guy who wears a dirty Star Trek costume every day isn't going to make friends easily. Neither is the guy who sports a frock coat and spats, nor the skinny freshman who insists on wearing a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase to Econ 101. All are forms of costume, and all send the same message: "I am not like you." Fine if that's what the guy wants, but he shouldn't be shocked if he ends up alone on Friday night.


I just laughed out loud at work while reading the "spats" comment. Thanks.

Tez Mulan

Senior Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Whether at college or nowadays I've always been jeans, boots, smart striped rather than plain shirt (never double cuff with this look) and jacket - like a sports jacket., mostly plain wool in blue or black, or ocassionally striped (suit style) jacket in which case I'll revert to plain shirts.

I've been told hundreds of times by crumpet younger than me that this a great look.

Been buying a bit of clobber from here recently >> http://www.massimodutti.com/eng/


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I agree with Tez:

The casual look is best, but (in my experience, for example) I classed it up by maintaining a certain standard for footwear, as in the only time that I ever wore running shoes or sneakers was when I was running, or playing sports. Good shoes with casual clothes - women notice good shoes - will do more to elevate you from the pack, than a good suit with crappy shoes.

Conversely, a good suit with sneakers might get you a date with the chubby alterna-chick, but if you're after more than the adrenaline thrill of surviving a ******** from a mouth full of jewelry, pair a casual look with good fits, good quality, and good shoes. When things get ripped or ratty, replace them (use to old stuff for home/auto/motorcycle repairs) to show another side of yoruself.

But clothes will only take you so far. If you really want to get laid, you have to understand this: women (particularly college age women) are ridiculously insecure. They're constantly being graded by the system, being told they are too fat or too ugly by their fashion mags, and competing with their peers for the attentions of fatuous mall-dressers who think they're god's gift to warthogs.

Be different. Good clothes will give you a basic level of confidence, but you can get more, by givign it to others: make eye contact. When you do, smile. Chat up the ones that smile back. Ask them about their studies, know enough to answer "Oh is that where they do..." to whatever they say. It doesn't matter if you're way off base, though it helps to be witty, and not blatantly ignorant or offensive. When they explain things to you, be impressed with their knowledge of the topic. Tell them this, make them feel good about themselves. Work the conversation casually, like you're fascinated to learn what they're about. Remember names and when you can, get a number. Try this with every woman you meet, even if it's just for practice. It gets easier, and more natural every time you do it, and you'll boost your own confidence in the mean time.

I wish I knew this back when I was in University.

When women talk about you, (and they will) the term that they'll use to identify you will be "the one with the great shoes".


Stylish Dinosaur
Jan 3, 2008
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having personality goes far out and beyond the clothes, though the right clothes help.

If you want to be a bit dressed up in college its easy.

Cord sportcoat (unstructured), jeans, dress shirt.


Sweater, jeans, dress shirt.

Loafers or casual shoes. Hard to wear a lace up with leather soles in college.

Different sweaters would be easily passable, like a shawl collar, or a half zip, with or without leather elbow patches.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2008
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Originally Posted by DocHolliday
Would you be more interested in a woman who dressed in stylish, youthful clothes, or one who wore full-length dresses and old-lady blouses buttoned up to her neck? Which one do you think would be more fun to hang out with?

Beyond that, would you want to hang out with that dude who insists on wearing a tie and carrying a briefcase to class?

Think of your target audience, then go for the look most likely to attract it.

+1. DocHoliday is wise!


Distinguished Member
Nov 18, 2008
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[/quote] Just from the abstract, I'm not sure whether dressing normally makes you more attractive to college women or whether more attractive guys are more likely to dress normally. I suspect it's some of both, but I'm curious what the research has to say. Plus, I know some weirdoes I love to annoy by pointing out that being normal is good.[/quote]

No, sorry, don't have access to online journals from here, if you are really interested pm me and I can probably get it from a university computer. To be honest the paper looks somewhat crap, but I seem to remember reading more authoritative stuff that followed the same lines. I would think more attractive guys are more likely to dress normally and normally dressed guys are more likely to be attractive. Picking up on what those around you are wearing/doing/whatever shows you are socially smart and able, which is surely attractive as most competition we face as humans is from other humans i.e. through social interactions.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Here's my take, and I just turned 25 and was finishing up undergrad 3 years ago so I will take it that not a whole lot has changed since then. The majority of guys were into the AF/AE look with popped collars, distressed jeans, ect. We also had a few "suit guys" who would dress up for no apparent reason just to go to class. I think the answer is probably something seperate from the two. I worked at a Nordstrom while in college and had to wear a suit or sportcoat/tie to work. Often times I would go to class after work still dressed up or be seen coming and going from the dorm like that. In general, I got good responses from it. I was different than the other guys there but at the same time, I had a reason to be and wasn't just doing something for the sake of standing out.

I don't think it makes much sense to actually wear a suit unless, like me, you had a valid reason to be doing so. Just try and do things a little differently when you do dress casual. I would wear nice leather shoes with khakis with cashmere sweaters or button down shirts that weren't bought at the run of the mill stores like AE or AF. Also, invest in a nice wool or leather jacket. I would never wear clothes with big labels on them either. This way, you can have your own sense of style, you aren't conforming to what everyone else is doing, you can still stand out (albeit, in a good way), and you don't look like a fool or out of place.

Remember, by doing the run of the mill Abercrombie look, you probably have a look that is compatible with the majority of the girls there, BUT, that just means that you haven't excluded many girls from being potentially interested. By going with the modified styles like what I've described you probably haven't alienated any girls (save for a few of the extremely preppy types) and you actually have a good chance of catching someone's eye. Above all esle, just go with a style that YOU like and is comfortable to YOU. If you're doing the suit thing just because you want to stand out, people will sense that. And likewise, if you are merely following the trends that you see and copying the popped collar Abercrombie look, people will sense that. You gotta be true to yourself.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Originally Posted by mt_spiffy
I'm 24. Woman my age LOVE it when I wear a suit, and often request that I wear them more often.
Lol, we've all seen the way you dress and while it apparently works for you, I don't think it is proper for the average college student out there. I don't doubt that it's more appropriate in your line of work in the music industry though.

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