I'm 6'2 and 135 pounds. Superdry clothes fit me best, but I can't seem to find a current list of other brands for guys for tall / skinny guys. Obviously I have to be very picky about what Superdry I'm willing to buy / wear and I still cut out the labels on the outside to avoid looking like I buy Superdry. I'm still buying Nudie Slim Jims off eBay for jeans, and older style fuller "classic" fitting wool pants (thanks to Sebastian's great thread on clothes for skinny guys, 10 years ago.) It looks like Acme Studios might have a similar fit for their overcoats. I did search the forums extensively for clothes / brands for skinny guys, but don't see anything in the past 5 or so years. Anyone want to point me toward a good resource, or point out some other brands that fit like Superdry? Especially quality clothing brands, not the H&M and J. Crew clothing. I used to buy from Club Monaco, but their sizing went more mainstream, and their quality isn't so good compared to Superdry.
I'm not looking for advice about gaining weight here; this is just about clothing brands. And I know I'm going to get flamed for suggesting Superdry makes quality clothing; I'm talking about the construction, not the fake, loud Japanese "style" they seem to think they have.
I'm not looking for advice about gaining weight here; this is just about clothing brands. And I know I'm going to get flamed for suggesting Superdry makes quality clothing; I'm talking about the construction, not the fake, loud Japanese "style" they seem to think they have.
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