I saw this really beautiful handbag on Jimmy Choo's site, and needed some opinions. It's the Webb Top Handle/s in Ultraviolet.
It's currently on sale, but I'm not sure if I should take advantage and buy it or not. I absolutely LOVE how this bag looks, but my biggest fear is it not really fitting too well into men's fashion style and being too hard to pull off stylistically. I say this because I generally haven't even seen any men wearing an item like that, except for one instance and it was in the color black, so not something as bold as this is obviously. Also I got the impression that guy probably had it as something for work to carry their work things in(like a laptop or something), which in my case won't apply to me, this would be a fashion item pretty much, not a work thing since my current job I wouldn't want to be carrying something as nice and expensive as that bag around just because.
I work at an airport with lots of travelers going in and out from all around the world, yet I never see any men wearing an item like this(besides that one guy), so I don't have much of a point of reference sadly. Any opinions about the bag itself and how to style it? Would it be worth buying this, or not really?
It's currently on sale, but I'm not sure if I should take advantage and buy it or not. I absolutely LOVE how this bag looks, but my biggest fear is it not really fitting too well into men's fashion style and being too hard to pull off stylistically. I say this because I generally haven't even seen any men wearing an item like that, except for one instance and it was in the color black, so not something as bold as this is obviously. Also I got the impression that guy probably had it as something for work to carry their work things in(like a laptop or something), which in my case won't apply to me, this would be a fashion item pretty much, not a work thing since my current job I wouldn't want to be carrying something as nice and expensive as that bag around just because.
I work at an airport with lots of travelers going in and out from all around the world, yet I never see any men wearing an item like this(besides that one guy), so I don't have much of a point of reference sadly. Any opinions about the bag itself and how to style it? Would it be worth buying this, or not really?