Hello, everyone. I've a bit of a dilemma, and I was hoping to gain some perspective from you all.
Let me start with a brief bio. I'm a 40 year old banking professional based in the lower Midwest of the U.S. For years, I worked in a rural setting, where jeans, khakis and polls were the norm. I recently changed jobs, and I am now based in a larger metro. My client base has changed from small business owners and farmers to high net wealth, middle market business execs and investors. The current office dynamic is quite casual. Think chinos, button downs or polos, and a lot of loafers. But, I visit clients a couple of times a month, which requires a jacket at minimum. I also believe in dressing for the job you want, as well as dressing just a notch above the office average, so I have a tie and/or jacket a bit more than most. My wardrobe from the previous job is a bit ragged, and I've decided it needs a change. I've added a few things, but am currently in need of some better shoes.
My current shoes are a pair of black derbies I picked up on the cheap when starting this job. My biggest issues are they aren't all that comfortable and they don't really match my needs or clothes that well. They work with a charcoal grey suit, and maybe my olive slacks, but that's about it. They just seem limited. So, what would be a better fit? A dark brown set of derbies or oxfords? Something else? I do have a pair of mahogany loafers, so that side is covered.
Let me start with a brief bio. I'm a 40 year old banking professional based in the lower Midwest of the U.S. For years, I worked in a rural setting, where jeans, khakis and polls were the norm. I recently changed jobs, and I am now based in a larger metro. My client base has changed from small business owners and farmers to high net wealth, middle market business execs and investors. The current office dynamic is quite casual. Think chinos, button downs or polos, and a lot of loafers. But, I visit clients a couple of times a month, which requires a jacket at minimum. I also believe in dressing for the job you want, as well as dressing just a notch above the office average, so I have a tie and/or jacket a bit more than most. My wardrobe from the previous job is a bit ragged, and I've decided it needs a change. I've added a few things, but am currently in need of some better shoes.
My current shoes are a pair of black derbies I picked up on the cheap when starting this job. My biggest issues are they aren't all that comfortable and they don't really match my needs or clothes that well. They work with a charcoal grey suit, and maybe my olive slacks, but that's about it. They just seem limited. So, what would be a better fit? A dark brown set of derbies or oxfords? Something else? I do have a pair of mahogany loafers, so that side is covered.