
  1. Edit Your Community Profile
  2. Edit Your List
  3. Change Your Avatar
  4. Edit Your Account
  5. Change Your Password
  6. User Name Changes

Edit Your Community Profile

Your Community Profile is the place for you to tell other members of the community a little bit about yourself.
  1. Navigate to your user page by clicking on the "My Profile" tab.
  2. Toward the top right hand side of your user page, you will see the "Edit Community Profile" button.
  3. Click the "Edit Community Profile" button to answer the Profile Questions. Feel free to answer any or all of the questions, add a link to your website, etc.
  4. Click Save when you are finished.

Edit Your Lists

Create A New List
Your Lists is one of the best places to share information about yourself. You can add all the items you Own, Had, or Want.
  1. Navigate to your Profile page
  2. Scroll down to the Lists section (it's near the very bottom)
  3. Click "Create A New List"
  4. A popover will appear.
  5. Type your desired list name in the top field. Below that, select the type of list you are creating from the "List Type" drop down.
  6. In List Description, feel free to leave this blank or add additional information about your List. This information is editable at any time.
  7. When you are ready, click "Submit".

Add Products To Your Lists
From your List:
  1. At the top of your List, there is a search bar.
  2. Begin typing the name of the item you would like to add to your list.
  3. When you have found the item, click its name in the search results.
  4. After you have selected the item, you can indicate whether you Own, Want, or Had it, the quantity you own, add a comment about the item, or add an image related to it.
  5. When you are ready, click submit.
  6. At any point in time, you can edit this information, add additional images, or remove the item from your list.

From a Product/Review page:

  1. Click the "Add to Your List" button.
  2. Select which list you would like to add the product to and whether you Own, Had, or Want the product.
  3. After you click submit, the Product Review window will pop up. If you don't want to write a review, just click cancel.

Change A Product's Status In Your List
At any time you can update a item's status in your List (for example, if you no longer eat Cheerios, you might change the status from "Own" to "Had" to indicate you used to eat Cheerios).
  1. Navigate to your Profile. Click to view the List in question.
  2. Locate the item in the List.
  3. In the item's row, to the far right you will see the "edit" button in the action column. Click here.
  4. The "Edit Item" area will open. From here, you can change the status, as well as change your comment, add images, etc.
  5. Click "Submit" when you are ready.

Delete Products From Your List
  1. Navigate to your Profile. Click to view the List in question.
  2. Locate the item in the List.
  3. In the item's row, to the far right you will see the "delete" button in the action column. Click here.
  4. The item will be deleted from your List.
  5. As long as you remain on your List page, you have the opportunity to undo the deletion.

Change Your Avatar

Your avatar is the picture associated with your user account. Your avatar (or picture) will follow you around the community next to your forum posts to help other users identify you. Feel free to upload your own image according to the terms of service.
  1. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the "My Profile" link.
  2. Underneath your existing avatar, there is a "Replace Image" button.
  3. Click the "Replace Image" button to pull up the Image tool. A popup will appear.
  4. You can choose to upload an image from your desktop or import an image from an external URL.
  5. When you are done, click "OK." Your profile will reload to display your new avatar.

Edit Your Account

You can change your basic account information (including birthdate, location, email preferences, etc) at any time.
  1. Navigate to your user page by clicking on the "My Profile" tab.
  2. Click the "Edit Account Details" button which appears above your profile.
  3. Edit the settings you wish to change.
  4. Click save when you are finished.

Change Your Password

You can change your password at any time.
  1. Navigate to your user page by clicking on the "My Profile" tab.
  2. Click the "Edit Account Details" button which appears above your avatar.
  3. In your Account, type in your old password. Type in your new password in two fields.
  4. Click save.

User Name Changes

At this time, once you register your user name, you cannot change your user name.