I see they have a store in NYC - that's interesting and may change things....I'll have to give them a call...so I would an order through them...you are on time today!!!!! Thank you!!!!
Albert at the San Francisco store was great...He's a bit closer to you I believe...if you can make it over there he was quite welcoming and willing to talk shop a bit. He even broke out and demonstrated the deer bone that you have enquired about a few times.
here's a link to my post here regarding my stop at the Carmina shop San Francisco..
Albert likes photos of shoe collections (or at least pretends interest well. Lol). He actually took photos of my photos..
Carmina Shoes - Definitive Thread (reviews, advice, sizing, etc...) - official thread.
An MTO from a while back. Unlined Aramanac Shell PTBs on the Detroit last:
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