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The customer is always an ass...

Oddly Familiar

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I stole this thread from Something Awful. Basically, you share stories of your most ridiculous day at work. Whether it is where you work now or where you used to work. I'll start.

I used to work at a subway in the middle of an outlet mall. During the week, only a few people come in all night, but on the weekends, it was hell. This specific night, it was a thursday I think, my co worker and I engaged in a few tokes of that sticky icky. Any ways, this girl and her boyfriend walk in. I guess my eyes where just blood shot red because they where making jokes about it. The boyfriend was an asshole but the girl was nice. Being in the state that I was in, I was very bold and determined to talk to this girl. THe boyfriend was considerably bigger than me, you know the big preppy types. Probably played as the guarter back in school. Whatever. Anyways, he was being especially a jerk and kept trying to get me to give him his food for free. As if weed will impair your judgement that much. I straight up told him to "**** off, nothing is free.". He got pissed. Really pissed, especially at my next attempt to aggrivate him. I looked at his girlfriend, and told her "Your's is free. The asshole next to you has to pay though." She thought it was ridiculous, and he thought it was even more ridiculous. He told me he was going to kick ******, etc. My co worker comes out from the back, he's a fairly large guy. Larger than Sgt. Douche bag in front of me. He asks in a big voice "Is there a problem here?" and the guy responded "Yeah, ohdude is hitting on my chick here." The coworker says "That a boy, Joe." Douch bag is enraged. Enters primal mode. "ILL KICK YOUR ASS THIS ILL KICK YOUR ASS THAT!" We are laughing and so is his girlfriend while she trys calming him down and the dumbass tries to jump over the counter. Jump. Over. The. Counter. He trips on his flip flop and falls on the ground. Enter embarassed jack ass mode. He gets up. Throws a $10 down and grabs his sandwhich and leaves. We pocket the cash and go on with our night.


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
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No one else is posting?!? Although I don't have any stories myself I'd love to hear other's. It is always fun to watch shows like Airline on A&E just to marvel at people's ridiculousness.


Distinguished Member
Mar 10, 2006
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You smoked weed at work. You tried to pick up on your customer's girlfriend. You attempted to aggravate your customer. Even though he was an ass, your behavior was no better. Sorry, no sympathy from me here.


Distinguished Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Originally Posted by DarkNWorn
You smoked weed at work. You tried to pick up on your customer's girlfriend. You attempted to aggravate your customer. Even though he was an ass, your behavior was no better. Sorry, no sympathy from me here.

Not to mention the employee theft bit. Charming.


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2002
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Good rule of thumb: "customers suck" stories typically reveal more negative characteristics about the person complaining about dealing with customers than about the referenced customers themselves. I mean, if you can't handle the easiest and most relaxed job you'll ever have (speaking as someone who's done numerous customer service jobs and returned to them over office jobs because they were so much easier and more enjoyable), then you must seriously suck at life. Of course I'm not saying that every customer is perfect and that problematic customers don't exist, but damn, suck it up, any worthwhile place would have kicked your pothead ass to the curb, so enjoy it while you can.


Distinguished Member
Mar 11, 2006
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This one time a mother and her baby came into my shop, and wile I was hitting on the mother the baby started to cry, so I punched it in the face.


Distinguished Member
Jul 8, 2004
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This is one of the more immature things I've read on SF. You'd probably be better off if you were to delete this before anyone else reads it.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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i work at a fastfood restaurant a lotta people are rude and dont have manners...we try to be polite and give good customer service but i understand when ya gotta tell a customer where ta shove it!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of people act like just cause they got money and thier buying from ya that they can be the boss of ya and tell ya what to do and treat how they want to irregardless of whether thats right or not what i always say is the golden rule in service and for the customer....do onto others as you would have them do onto you....thats my policy and its the policy of my manager....weve had to kick some peoples out for being rude....my friend dwayne works inthe kitchn and hes real big and he nos how to tell a customer to leave!!!!! lolololo!!!!!

Nantucket Red

"Mr. Fashionista"
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Originally Posted by LabelKing
One time I was at a Trader Joes and I tripped a man carrying a sack of wine because I found his shoes offensive. He wore pleather Dolce & Gabbanas.

You were completely justified in doing so. You discreetly dropped a helpful hint while meting out justice in proportion to the crime. Rather diplomatic.


Distinguished Member
Feb 26, 2003
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One time this customer tried to return a pair of shoes. She said they were uncomfortable, and that they were only 99% worn. They were 98% worn, so I kicked her in the uterus...right in the baby maker, I guess that showed her that the customer is always right...


Senior Member
May 26, 2006
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Originally Posted by VersaceMan
One time this customer tried to return a pair of shoes. She said they were uncomfortable, and that they were only 99% worn. They were 98% worn, so I kicked her in the uterus...right in the baby maker, I guess that showed her that the customer is always right...

This one time, this guy tried to return a pair of shoes that he had worn and tried to pass it off like he had only worn them while walking on carpet! Do you believe it?


Distinguished Member
May 21, 2006
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Heh, I read this thread on SOMETHING IS AWFUL DOT COM. Are you a goon?

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