Hi all,
I need to replace the older, better quality JCrew T-shirts from maybe 5-10 years ago that are currently sporting relatively unfashionable holes. What I liked about those tees was that they were pretty tight around the mid/upper arm and around the neck as well as being relatively slim and a good length. It's not that I'm some musclehead who wants to show off my biceps, I just think a tight fit around the arm looks cleaner and trimmer. Can you guys please recommend a brand that you thinks fit this bill? I don't typically like super heavy cotton that doesn't drape well. I'm open to a pretty wide price range (0-80ish) but would prefer to keep it below 30ish. I bought a goodthreads on Amazon because they claimed they fit like JCrew but their arms are considerably wider. I did see muscle fit that have elastane but the last thing I want is something skin tight. Thanks in advance all!
I need to replace the older, better quality JCrew T-shirts from maybe 5-10 years ago that are currently sporting relatively unfashionable holes. What I liked about those tees was that they were pretty tight around the mid/upper arm and around the neck as well as being relatively slim and a good length. It's not that I'm some musclehead who wants to show off my biceps, I just think a tight fit around the arm looks cleaner and trimmer. Can you guys please recommend a brand that you thinks fit this bill? I don't typically like super heavy cotton that doesn't drape well. I'm open to a pretty wide price range (0-80ish) but would prefer to keep it below 30ish. I bought a goodthreads on Amazon because they claimed they fit like JCrew but their arms are considerably wider. I did see muscle fit that have elastane but the last thing I want is something skin tight. Thanks in advance all!