So, as a college student, I often don't have as much free time as I wish I had, and sometimes don't make it back to the dorm to shower or change clothes. As the weather gets a little more chilly at this time of the year, I have considered wearing 3-piece suits that I can slip the waistcoat/vest on-off a little more often as opposed to bringing a larger coat. However, I've never worn braces/suspenders with a waistcoat/vest at the same time (usually no waistcoat/vest or no braces/suspenders and not belt with a waistcoat. Since I sometimes spend between 24 and 60 hours in the environmental design building, library, etc, with a thermos of tea, I was wondering what the pros and cons would be for me personally. Is it practical to wear a three-piece suit with braces for days on end?