Just got this type of shoes for christmas:
Loake Lytham Chukka Boot Oxblood Grain Calf
Finding it hard to find a matching belt to the shoes.
Im currently looking at a belt from Crockett & Jones, but its dark brown and not oxblood.
Both the shoes and belt are grained, but the color is not a complete match.
Will this combination work or should I go for a belt with burgyndy? Only problem is I find it hard to find a grained burgundy belt.
Just got this type of shoes for christmas:
Loake Lytham Chukka Boot Oxblood Grain Calf

Loake 1880 Legacy Lytham Chukka Boot Oxblood Grain Calf hos CareOfCarl.no
Chukka boots i preget skinn, fra Loake 1880. Laget for hånd i varemerkets fabrikk i England med overdel i fineste kalveskinn.

Finding it hard to find a matching belt to the shoes.
Im currently looking at a belt from Crockett & Jones, but its dark brown and not oxblood.

Crockett & Jones Belt 3,5 cm Dark Brown Grained Calf hos CareOfCarl.no
Belte i preget skinn, fra britiske Crocket & Jones. Crocket & Jones har mer enn 100 års erfaring fra produksjon av sko i høy kvalitet, og deres belter holder samme klasse og er like detaljerte.

Both the shoes and belt are grained, but the color is not a complete match.
Will this combination work or should I go for a belt with burgyndy? Only problem is I find it hard to find a grained burgundy belt.