I‘ve been browsing this forum for a little while now and some of the threads about the pitfalls of dressing well in a supercasual workplace kinda resonated with me.
Recently my wife was asked to be the godmother of our friend‘s baby daughter and she requested that I get a new suit or at least a nice jacket for the christening party. So I reluctantly went shopping and returned with a navy blazer, khaki pants, a matching shirt and a pair of brown derbys… and to my still-lasting surprise realized that I actually quite enjoy classic menswear (after having worn sportswear and technical outdoors gear almost exclusively for most of my life).
I guess suddenly waking up to the fact that you‘ve got a wife, three kids, a mortgage, drive a family van, will be hitting forty in no time and are for all intents and purposes a grown-up can do that to you...
So I‘ve been thinking how I could inject a little more style into my daily attire. I work in law enforcement in an investigative capacity and my department (except for senior leadership positions) dresses extremely informal. It‘s mostly hooded sweaters, t-shirts, denim and cargo pants with the occasional (untucked) shirt thrown in. A few of the older guys wear „dressy“ jeans with tucked-in shirts and one of us shows up in a sports coat every once on a while. Since I don‘t want to stand out too much I‘d rather err on the side of caution and keep it pretty casual (and slowly ease into it instead of diving in head first).
My job is mostly office work with some field work here and there. Occasionally I may have to hit the street at a moment‘s notice but most tactical operations such as search warrants and arrests are planned in advance so I‘ll be able to show up in something more suitable than a tailored jacket. So I‘m looking at some not-too-fragile pants (chinos or denim), button-down shirt or polo, a sport coat on the casual side with a sufficiently loose fit to disguise any belt-worn duty gear and comfortable shoes nice enough to fit the attire while inexpensive enough not to make me cry if I step in something nasty or wreck them while chasing someone down a back alley. No sneakers, thank you very much.
Any suggestions for the creation of the somewhat-sartorial gentleman cop are greatly appreciated
Recently my wife was asked to be the godmother of our friend‘s baby daughter and she requested that I get a new suit or at least a nice jacket for the christening party. So I reluctantly went shopping and returned with a navy blazer, khaki pants, a matching shirt and a pair of brown derbys… and to my still-lasting surprise realized that I actually quite enjoy classic menswear (after having worn sportswear and technical outdoors gear almost exclusively for most of my life).
I guess suddenly waking up to the fact that you‘ve got a wife, three kids, a mortgage, drive a family van, will be hitting forty in no time and are for all intents and purposes a grown-up can do that to you...
So I‘ve been thinking how I could inject a little more style into my daily attire. I work in law enforcement in an investigative capacity and my department (except for senior leadership positions) dresses extremely informal. It‘s mostly hooded sweaters, t-shirts, denim and cargo pants with the occasional (untucked) shirt thrown in. A few of the older guys wear „dressy“ jeans with tucked-in shirts and one of us shows up in a sports coat every once on a while. Since I don‘t want to stand out too much I‘d rather err on the side of caution and keep it pretty casual (and slowly ease into it instead of diving in head first).
My job is mostly office work with some field work here and there. Occasionally I may have to hit the street at a moment‘s notice but most tactical operations such as search warrants and arrests are planned in advance so I‘ll be able to show up in something more suitable than a tailored jacket. So I‘m looking at some not-too-fragile pants (chinos or denim), button-down shirt or polo, a sport coat on the casual side with a sufficiently loose fit to disguise any belt-worn duty gear and comfortable shoes nice enough to fit the attire while inexpensive enough not to make me cry if I step in something nasty or wreck them while chasing someone down a back alley. No sneakers, thank you very much.
Any suggestions for the creation of the somewhat-sartorial gentleman cop are greatly appreciated