SOLD !!!!!!!!!!!
- Eidos
- Size 52
- Tenero Fit
- Brown & Tan Mini Houndstooth
- 100% Linen
- Unlined
- MINT condition
Shoulders (across back at the seams): 18.1
Chest p2p (across back): 22.25, (across front): 22
Length (Bottom of Collar): 29.5
waist: 35
thigh: 13.5 (width at the crotch)
hem: 7.75
inseam: 30.5/40.5
- Alterations
Jacket: Sleeves have been shortened
Trousers: Waist taken in slightly and Trousers hemmed with a double cuff, so you have up to 3.5" to let back out.
I've also included photos from Eidos, Antonio, etc. to give you a better idea of the colors IRL
(Eidos Pin included)
- Eidos
- Size 52
- Tenero Fit
- Brown & Tan Mini Houndstooth
- 100% Linen
- Unlined
- MINT condition
Shoulders (across back at the seams): 18.1
Chest p2p (across back): 22.25, (across front): 22
Length (Bottom of Collar): 29.5
waist: 35
thigh: 13.5 (width at the crotch)
hem: 7.75
inseam: 30.5/40.5
- Alterations
Jacket: Sleeves have been shortened
Trousers: Waist taken in slightly and Trousers hemmed with a double cuff, so you have up to 3.5" to let back out.
I've also included photos from Eidos, Antonio, etc. to give you a better idea of the colors IRL
(Eidos Pin included)
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