Letter from the Editor:

Here at Styleforum, we enjoy a stiff drink. This month, our newest contributor shares three recipes that will help take the edge off the springtime. And speaking of cocktails, isn’t it time to say goodbye to Mad Men? David tells us why it’ll be a relief to to bid farewell to Don Draper and company.

In addition, we’ve included tips on how to succeed at wearing a blazer with denim. Once you’ve mastered that, move on to hats: we’ve got plenty of recommendations for you, hand-picked by Styleforum’s expert staff.

Finally, don’t forget to join our conversation devoted to Alden, one of America’s most illustrious shoemakers. Share your pair in one of our “What Are You Wearing?” topics, and then kick back and relax with a browse through the Bourbon discussion.

Enjoy the May flowers, and we’ll see you on the forums.


Jasper Lipton, Editor-in-Chief

The Headliner:

3 Warm-Weather Bourbon Cocktails

By Jason Francis

The title says it all, baby. There are more ways to drink bourbon than “straight” - and here are three top-notch cocktails that’ll have you relaxed faster than it takes to say “Kentucky.”

Featured Articles:

Mad Men Is Totally Wrong About Suits and I Hate It

By David Isle

Styleforum’s pick: Hats for Spring and Summer

By the Styleforum Staff

It’s rare to find a man who looks great in a hat, but common enough to find one who thinks he does. Fear not - here you’ll find a selection for every kind of man.

How to Wear a Blazer With jeans (Hint: Jeans Are Not Trousers)

By Jasper Lipton

Struggling with how to do it? No worries. As with all matters stylistic and sartorial, we can help. But first, you must be willing to help yourself.

This Month’s Hot Discussions

What are You Wearing Today, Classic Menswear Edition

Styleforum hosts many discussion topics in which users share photos of unaffordable and incredibly elegant clothing. This is just one of them - and it focuses on tailored wear. Jacket and tie are largely required.

Everything Alden

One of our most popular threads. Here you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know (and a whole lot you didn’t) about the famous New England shoemaker. Lasts, leathers, shoe care - and gigabytes of lovingly-snapped pictures.

Let's Talk Bourbon

This month’s article is a great place to start, but if you’re looking for more discussion and the best of the internet’s esoteric information, we’ve got you covered. Tastings, reviews, how to find the rarest bottles - it’s all inside.


Who won Styleforum’s first-ever gallery contest, sponsored by opumo.com? Click here to find out - and make sure you never miss out on another chance to win.

Treat Yourself For Spring:

Looking for a pair of shades that’ll go with everything - including that sweet new hat you bought yourself? The Model 725, by Eyevan 7285, are just the thing. Available at opumo.com