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As I'm not wearing black tie, would it still be inappropriate to wear a watch? As I don't own an evening watch (6 o'clock wedding with evening reception) I'd need to purchase one but this could be a good excuse to do so.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
A.1 (By @unbelragazzo )
It depends - is there something afterwards that you don't want to be late to?
A.2 (by @topos )
I would have given an identical answer to this question, and I didn't wear a watch to my wedding for exactly this reason: I thought it sent a subtle message I didn't want to send. If you want a decorative piece, consider that [I presume] you'll be wearing (a) a floral arrangement on your lapel, (b) cufflinks (c) a pocket square, and when it's all said and done a ring. Maybe you'll also be wearing a vest depending on what you decide to wear. In any case, all of these (except the ring I guess) I think of as pieces of flair, vest included (so are tie clips, tie pins, lapel pins, and watches). For me four pieces of flair is about all I feel comfortable wearing. Anything beyond that and I'd feel like I'm entering Saul Goodman territory.
I'll add a quote, which I also agree with wholeheartedly: