Please heed the following rules - these will change as the system evolves, so please check back here frequently. Not following these rules may result in your listing(s) be deleted without warning. Multiple infractions may result in your buy and sell privileges being rescinded.

1. Please only list a single item, or multiple items of the EXACT same price, in any one listing, and preferably allow buyers to pay via Paypal. DO NOT SEND TO A SELLER VIA PAYPAL "Friends and Family." Sellers may not require a surcharge for Paypal seller fees. Please include that consideration directly into the price.
2. You may not refer to , or link out, to a third party site. The sole exception is to a single Ebay auction isting for for the same item, since we do not have auction capabilities
3. You are only allowed to "bump" your item once a week (every 7 days). To do this, please use the "Update Listing and Bump to Top" button that is at the top of your Buy and Sell listing, above this box . The only exception right now is a price drop of at least 5%. This may change in the future as our functionality improves.
4) Once an item has been sold, do not delete all of your pictures and the price. Just mark the item as SOLD.'

MAKE CERTAIN you upload a "cover image" after you have created your classified
Please note that this forum is for private members only, and not for retailers, brands, or other commercial entities. If you are, and wish to sell on Styleforum, kindly email [email protected] for our marketing and advertising options.

Finally, note that Styleforum does not charge any fee for use of this service, nor do we store sensitive information on this system.. Therefore, we cannot be involved in disputes concerning private transactions between members. Please do report any case of suspected fraud to at Any feedback or suggestions should also be addressed to the same email address.

Styleforum provides a classifieds section for the convenience of both sellers and buyers. Styleforum does not charge sellers or buyers for any fees and when you use this system, you are agreeing to not hold Styleforum liable nor shall you ask to Styleforum to intervene in any private transaction between individuals for any reason.